Tuesday 25 February 2014

Winter Olympics – An Inspiration To Everyone

Team GB bought home four medals at Sochi 2014, including two for curling, one for skeleton and one for snowboard slopestyler, making it the most successful Winter Olympics for Great Britain since 1924. SportsDirect.com take a look at what effect this will have on the bigger picture when it comes to sport.

Although Britain is not renowned for having natural snow this didn’t hinder the Olympians, and it shouldn’t put people off from trying sports such as snowboarding or skiing. There are over 50 indoor centres and dry slopes available across the UK, as well as mountains up in Scotland where people can train, making winter sports ready available for people to give a go and try out.

Jenny Jones, who won bronze at the Olympics for snowboard slopestyler, told the BBC that winter sports are much more accessible than what people initially think. The coverage from Sochi highlighted winter sports in a very positive light and helped to make people more aware of winter sports.

However, the Winter Games didn't just help raise the profile of winter sports, it also covered women in sport, which perfectly coincided with Sports Minister, Helen Grant’s statement, saying that women should be asked what they want to do when it comes to sport.

Three of the four medals that Team GB won in Sochi were from female athletes which can only encourage and reiterate Helen Grant’s view. Media coverage obviously plays a major role in profiling women in sport, and undoubtedly women’s sport is not given as much airtime or attention as what men’s sport is, but with the success of female athletes in both the Summer and Winter Olympics there may well be a shift towards focussing on women’s sports.

 Ensuring that there are plenty of opportunities and choice when it comes to women being active and participating in sports also plays an important role in developing awareness and inspiring girls, and women, to take up something new and get involved.

SportsDirect.com have a range of skiing and snowboarding equipment and clothing is perfect for hitting the dry, or real, slopes, check it out at http://www.sportsdirect.com/pages/skiing. Join the conversation at www.facebook.com/sportsdirectuk and www.twitter.com/sportsdirectuk

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