Wednesday 30 October 2013

Fashion - Is it worth trying to keep up with celebrity trends?

Every month there are new outfits in the magazines, tempting people to buy into the latest fashion. What we want to know is, is it really worth trying to keep up when fashion changes so much, or is it better to be your very own trendsetter? Here are a few reasons why sometimes it is better to be yourself than copy what the celebs are wearing.

Celebrities have a lot more disposable income than most! They are often sponsored to wear the clothes  and even though this would be REALLY nice, it is highly unlikely that brands would sponsor people like us to wear their clothes and instead would expect us to pay serious amounts for the pleasure! The fact that they cost so much in itself is a reason as to why it is not always a good idea to follow the trends, as you might find yourself disappointed when your expensive purchase becomes outdated only a month down the line. Clothes that are fashionable one minute, are “so last season” the next. It is hard work to be constantly on trend, especially when there are so many different opinions on what those trends are.
When it comes to dresses, there are so many different types that as soon as you finally figure out which ones suit you best, there are a new range which have replaced them! Styles of dresses and t-shirts change so frequently that unless you keep a constant eye on what the celebs have on, it’s possible to end up spending a lot of money on things which you might not necessarily get your wear out of.

Another important point is that fashion often comes full circle. So chances are, that old pair of jeans that your mum has had in the wardrobe for ages will become cool again! Even tweed made a comeback recently, and that’s saying something. Also, if you are lucky, that once old, now retro pair of jeans might even be the perfect fit for you! Why not wait until the items are in the sale and store them away for when they make their comeback. Chances are, next year there will be a similar item of clothing to the one you have bought in the sale, but for FIVE times the price!

Sometimes, what is ‘fashionable’ isn’t actually very nice! Just because it is popular on the catwalk it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is what the everyday person would wear out and about. It also doesn’t mean that you HAVE to like it.  It can be hard to get the celebrity look right, and this is assuming that you are following the trends of the ‘right’ celebrity. We have all seen the magazines which target celebs who get it ‘wrong’, and if celebrities themselves get it wrong then what chance do we have!

Here are a few reasons as to why it is better to create your own style.

You get to choose what you want to wear, and not what you think you should wear. This has major perks! There are times when you are shopping that you are talked into buying items that are ‘in’ by the assistants that you know in your heart you wouldn’t normally buy and then don’t have the confidence to wear!

Chances are, less people will be wearing the same outfit as you when you go out, and we all know how it feels to go out somewhere and find someone is wearing the identical dress... making sure you aren’t buying the same outfit as everyone else drastically reduces the chances of this happening!
You should also find that by not following celeb trends that you spend less money and may even become a trend setter yourself. You might find for instance that your friends really love your unusual jacket that you dug out the wardrobe, and they may be green with envy when you tell them that there is no way they can buy one as it is no longer on sale anywhere!

A final thing, there are items of clothing which  NEVER go out of fashion. Ladies hoodies and sweatshirts can be worn year in year out, as their styles don’t tend to vary that much. This is also true for jeans, and items like the standard little black dress that every woman is required to buy!  Okay, so you might not feel like the coolest cat on the street knowing that your clothes are not the newest style out there, but at least you wont be wasting your money on new fads that will die out as quickly as they get started! You never know, you might find that you become the inspiration required for others to change their ways and become their own trendsetters too!
Do you follow celebrity fashion or do you think it is a waste of time? How much do you spend a year on clothes? We would love to know so get in touch!

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