Wednesday 21 August 2013

IMG-Reliance League - Former Indian Skipper Baichung Bhutia

Baichung Bhutia on 13th August 2013 backed the much debated IPL styled Football league that is to be started in January 2014 stating it would revive the sports world in the country.
Most I-League clubs have opposed the tournament and refused to loan players to the new league or take players contracted to it.
Bhutia said the I-League has did not distribute the experience across the duration and depth of the nation.
He desired I-League and the new one to co-exist and also expected that after few decades, both types get combined.
Bhutia further said that the new competition would help the Native indian football players as they would get an probability to perform with top top quality worldwide gamers.
Bhutia said the existing deadlock between I-League team entrepreneurs and the AIFF should end for the benefit of Native Indian soccer.
He also said that the 38 individuals shortened by IMG-R have the prospective to create it to the nationwide team.
Bhutia said if gamers are not able to perform in both the competitions, it was a reduction to both I-League and IMG-R.
Bhutia stressed that Native Indian soccer has not gone ahead over the last several decades and stayed mostly flat.
The former skipper said that all the gamers that IMG-R had verbal to be eager to perform in the new competition.
"I can assure you that all the players we have spoken to are very keen to play this. They are bound by the contracts with their clubs, but given a chance, if clubs ask them if they want to play (the new tournament), we will have 100 per cent of the players saying we want to play the new tournament," he said.

By Dhaval Panara the founder of the First Bloger. "I love to share ideas and i was impressed with the concept of guest blogging".

Monday 19 August 2013

Samantha Clayton’s 10 minute fat blasting workout

Samantha ex Olympian from Liverpool now living in the USA says : I am always talking about squeezing in a quick workout because it’s amazing how effective a short bout of strength or cardiovascular exercise can be.

My top three reasons for making time for a 10 minute workout:
1.  When I feel stressed, a 10 minute workout gives me an instant boost of energy and helps me refocus.
2.  Like everyone, I’m often rushing and I find a 10 minute workout is enough exercise to help me not feel guilty about missing my regular routine.
3.  10 minute workouts can deliver surprisingly effective results, quickly.

It’s always better to do some exercise instead of no exercise. When you’re feeling busy and stressed, promise yourself that you’ll manage at least 10 minutes even if you can’t find time for a longer workout session.
A great way to truly benefit from a short session is to focus on one specific area of the body or one element of fitness such as strength, cardio or flexibility. Today, I’m going to share my favourite 10 minute cardiovascular routine with you.
Click here to watch a video demonstration of Samantha’s fat blasting moves

My pre-cardio 2 minute warm up
Your warm up should always be dynamic: gently loosening off your body and slowly increasing your heart rate.
A 120 second warm up to ease into the core of your workout should be good enough but spend a little extra time on days that you feel especially tight.
Circle your arms while marching on the spot for 30 seconds.
March with high knees while swinging your arms for 30 seconds.
Do 10 calf raises by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and rising up onto your toes, holding for a second, then lowering back down.
Do 10 squats by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and toes pointed forward.  Sit back as if you are going to sit in a chair, hold for a second, then – leading with your hips – come back to standing.
Do 10 shallow lunges. A lunge is simply a step forward and then a step back with one leg. Put your hands on your hips, keep a nice straight back and take an exaggerated step forward, lowering your back knee toward the ground. Hold the lunge for 2 seconds and repeat on the other leg.
Jog in place for 30 seconds.

My 8 minute fat-blasting moves
One of the great things about cardio exercise is that there are so many effective, fun and simple exercises to choose from to give you a good full-body workout.  You can also work to make sure your heart rate is within its optimal fat burning zone during the cardio portion of this 10 minute workout.
Below is a list of eight simple exercises that require no equipment.  Try to repeat each exercise for 30 seconds and then circle through all the exercises again.  I’ve alternated higher and lower impact exercises and you should aim for a work out intensity of around seven or eight out of ten to reap maximum benefits.
Alternatively, if you are new to exercise, try only doing the odd numbered exercises and going at a slightly slower pace.  Don’t ever push yourself so hard that you feel uncomfortable.

 1. Modified jumping jacks
Stand with both feet together and let your arms hang at your sides. Step one leg to the side, then return to the starting position. Repeat this movement on the other side. Continue alternating back and forth until you’re comfortable doing the leg movements at a steady, challenging pace. Then add the arm movements: swing your arms overhead when you step to the side, then swing your arms back to your sides when you bring your feet together.
2. Power jumping jacks
Stand with both feet together with your arms at your sides, then jump both feet out to the sides as you bring both arms up overhead to make a star shape.  Land with bent knees in a squat position, hold this position for two seconds, and then jump back to the starting position.
3. Running in place
Run on the spot, bringing your knees up in front of you and pumping your arms back and forth in rhythm with your legs.
4. All out sprint in place
Sprint in place as fast as you can. Keep your leg and arm movements fast and powerful.
5. Squats
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and toes pointed forward, then make a sitting back motion – as if you are going to sit in an imaginary chair.  Hold for a second, then leading with your hips, come back to standing. Be sure to keep a flat back, keep your chest high and really focus on sitting back to keep the pressure off your knees.
6. Burpees
A burpee is a powerful combination of a squat, push up and vertical jump.
Squat down on your haunches and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet out behind you to put yourself into a push-up position. In a controlled manner, lower your chest to the ground using your arms. Press back up to complete the push up and then pull your feet back in to return to the squat position. Finish the move by jumping up in the air while clapping overhead.
7. Side step
This is like a dance step: start with both feet together and your arms loosely by your sides.  Step sideways to the left while leaning forward slightly, reaching your right hand across your body on a diagonal towards your left knee. Then tap your right foot behind your left.  Step back to the central starting position and repeat on the other side.
8. Speed skaters
Use the same movement you perfected during your side step repetitions but, instead of stepping, jump to each side and jump back. You should look like a speed skater alternating your arms and tying to get further sideways with each jump.
Don’t forget to repeat all the exercises twice.  Have fun and be creative – once you’ve got the hang of this routine you can swap in extra exercises you love and keep your 10 minute cardio workout fresh.
If you can do three 10 minute blasts throughout your day, you will have achieved the recommended amount of activity each day. The ACSM, American College of Sports Medicine recommends that people try to engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. The great news is that studies have shown that accumulating that time throughout the day is as good as doing 30 minutes at a time.

Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA.  Samantha is Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife and an Ex Olympian Sprinter.
The video of the 10 minute fat blasting moves can be found on website and Jan is a Herbalife Independant Distributor and Wellness Coach, helping people to improve their health and fitness through good Herbalife nutrition.

Friday 16 August 2013

Boxing Legends

Just like every sport there have been athletes in the past that have paved the way for change and standards within the sport, they have set standards in terms of skill that future athletes would aspire to. The same thing applies with boxing, there have been boxers that have changed the way you look at the sport and have influenced you to try it.

But before the athletes in boxing are revealed, you may be interested in a little bit if history. Boxing has been around for thousands of years, it started from two people fist fighting each other.  The Ancient Greeks believed that fighting was a sport played by the Gods on Olympus. The Romans also employed the sport, but they usually fought until death in order to satisfy the spectators. A circle was marked on the floor whether two opponents would fight, this is where the name boxing ring comes from.

There are boxing greats that have helped shape the way boxing is today, they brought skill, speed and power to the sport. These legends have inspired current boxers to continue to push themselves in achieving their best while still maintaining the skill, excitement and power within the sport. The all time best boxers have earned their reputation to be called the best in their own unique way. Some of these best boxers are Sugar Ray Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis, Willie Pep and Henry Armstrong
Sugar Ray Robinson began his career as an amateur boxer which he held an impressive record 89 wins 69 knockouts. At the age of 19 in 1940, he turned professional and won the world welterweight title which he defended four times. He also became the middleweight champion and defended his title twice. He retired twice, first was in 1952 but with financial difficulties he returned back to the ring. In 1955 he regained his old middleweight title  after winning against Gene Fullmer and Carmen Basillo but then lost it again in 1960 to Paul Pender. He finally hung up his boxing gloves for the last time in 1965 with a record of 175 wins, 19 losses and 6 draws with 109 knockout. He is among the greats of boxing, the Ring magazine named him as best of all time pound for pound, he will always be remembered for the music he made in the ring. He got his name “Sugar” from his manager’s description of his style as “Sweet as Sugar”.

Muhammad Ali’s career in boxing started at the age of 12 in 1954 when he discovered his talent in the sport through training at a local gym. He began to work on his boxing with his trainer Joe Martin which led to him winning the National Golden Gloves tournament in 1959. A Year later he became the Olympic gold medallist in Rome.  He then turned professional were he enforced his dormancy in the sport during the 1960s by not losing a single bout. In 1964 he became the world heavyweight champion after winning against the British heavyweight champion Henry Cooper and Sonny Liston. He became the first boxer to win the world heavy weight title three times. For 3 years he got banned from competing when his licence to fight was denied because he refused an induction into the armed forces during the Vietnam war. After the ban he lost to Joe Frazier, a fight that was called the fight of the century in 1971 and his first professional lose. Four years later they met again for a 15 round bout which resulted in Ali winning after Frazier’s eyes were swollen shut. Can you imagine two amazing boxers coming face to face wanting to each prove they are the best than the other. Frazier would have kept going if it wasn’t for his trainer who refused to allow him to answer the bail for the 15th and final round.  After 1976 his performance began to decline, he didn’t win as many fights and his health was taking a toe. His last ever fight was against Trevor Berbick in 1981 which he lost, then he completely retired from the sport with a record of 56 wins and 5 losses with 37 knockouts. He was always full of praise for himself before a fight, describing his fighting skills in the ring as “float like a butterfly, stings like a bee”. He reinvented the way heavy weight were supposed to fight developing speed and athleticism that was previously unheard of.

 Henry Armstrong had his first amateur bout in 1929 and went on to win a few more amateur tournaments before turning professional.  He lost his first two professional bouts before beginning to constantly win every bout. He was known  for his rapid combination of movements and knockout punches which earned him the nickname Hurricane Henry. In order to gain popularity Armstrong set a target of wining world titles in three different weight division, something that no boxers had ever achieved at the time. He succeed in reaching this goal by becoming the featherweight in 1937, lightweight and welterweight champion in 1938. Back then there were only 8 weight divisions, so Armstrong’s achievement was a very big achievement. He tried to add a forth title against Ceferina Garcia for the middleweight title but lost. Armstrong retired at the age of 32 with a professional record of 151 wins, 21 loses and 9 draws with 101 knockouts. Throughout his career he faced 17 world champions and defeated 15 of them.

Joe Louis nicknamed as “Brown Bomber” started his professional career in 1934 after wining the golden gloves as a light heavyweight. Louis became the world heavyweight champion after knocking out James Braddock, he held this title for more than 11 years and defended the title 25 times. An impressive record. In 1949 he retired still the undefeated heavyweight champion, but he returned back to the ring a year later to try and win his title back against Ezzard Charles which he lost. His last fight in the ring was in 1951 against Rocky Marciano where he was knocked out in the 8th round. Rocky had mixed feelings about winning the bout since Louis was his hero. Joe Louis fully retired with a record of 68 wins, 3 loses with 57 knockouts. He still remains a powerful part of boxing, he holds the record for the most defences for his title and knocked out 5 world champions.

Willie Pep is known as one of the greatest featherweight of all time. He learned to fight when he was protecting his shoe-shine patch. He turned professional at the age of 18, he won 63 of his professional fights and became the youngest world champion at the age of 20 in 1942. After this win, he went on to win a further 72 more wins before a loss. He fought in the army during the second world war until he was discharged. He went on to win a further 43 fights in three years. He retired for good in 1966 with a record of 229 wins, 11 losses and 1 draw with 65 knockouts. Pep will always be remembered for his dancing, floating style and speed that he brought to the ring.

I hope you are inspired about the stories behind some of boxing’s greats, they worked hard to become world champions through training with the right boxing equipment and trainers who would be able to get them the a world class level. But the most important element of been a great is believing in yourself, these champions believed they were the greatest Muhammad Ali once said “ I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was”. Only you can make yourself a champion!

Monday 12 August 2013

Jeggings Vs. Jeans

Recently I have been thinking about what’s best to invest in: Jeggings or Jeans. 

Here I have included the top ten ways in which Ladies Jeggings differ to Ladies Jeans, in order to see whether there is a clear winner between the two!  

1. Jeggings don’t often have pockets, some do, but mostly the front ones are sewn together which can be impractical if you need somewhere to put your phone. One solution to this is to pick up a little bargain handbag from somewhere! Voila, crisis avoided.

2. The elasticated waistband on some jeggings can be a little unflattering, therefore wearing short/crop tops may not look as good as when wearing them with low-slung jeans. 

3. Jeans have a top button and zips instead of the stretchy material jeggings are made from, therefore you have to undo them when you have eaten too much instead of being able to let your waistband stretch around you!

4. If you happen to change what you weigh (say from putting on a little over the Christmas months), unlike jeans which instantly become too tight, jeggings just mould to your changing shape! This is a massive perk, as buying new pairs of jeans in other sizes can be an expensive job.

5. Jeans are heavier than jeggings, which is often why people chose not to wear them to the office or for a night out. 

6. Jeans take longer than jeggings to dry when it’s raining (we feel for you if you are unfortunate enough to get caught out in it!). 

7. When you sit down for a long time in jeans they can make the back of your knees sore, yet this doesn’t happen even in a tight fitting pair of jeggings.

8. Jeggings tend to look a lot better when wearing heels than jeans do.

9. Jeggings can stretch, whereas jeans can shrink in the wash.

10. Price wise there isn’t a lot in it, yet jeggings are usually less expensive.


Jeggings are the WINNER!

It seems jeggings are a must have over jeans, as they have more positives than negatives! The fact that they are made from stretchy material alone makes us veer towards them as the best option. It seems as if there is finally an item which allows comfort and fashion to go hand in hand, and us ladies deserve it! 

Do you agree with our verdict? If you can think of any reasons why jeans should win instead, get in touch! 

Thursday 8 August 2013

Swanky Sweatshirts! Our Top Ten Ladies Favourites.

Top Ten Swanky Sweaters!

Currently in trend are Ladies Sweatshirts. This is the list of our top ten favourites from our ladies collection!

This first sweatshirt is modern and stylish, adding a splash of colour to dreary autumn days! With the variety of colours that are included within the text on the sweater, there are many different colours of trousers, jeans or leggings that can be worn!

This second sweater is ideal for wearing with jeggings or leggings for when you need that little bit of extra comfort! It is a little longer in length, and we love that. No longer will the bottom of your back be cold when you are sitting at your desk!

Third up is this Hot Tuna sweater, ideal for winter wear! In a close fit with a super bit of detail on the collar, this gorgeous teal colour sweatshirt is sophisticated and stylish.

Fourth sees a nice take on the standard plain black sweater, with a super fluffy cross, this sweatshirt is ideal for those who rock the alternative look.

The next sweater is a three-quarter sleeve, ideal for changeable weather and a perfect way to smarten up any plain outfit. This is ideal for both work and play! Also, this range now comes in a selection of pastel colours, perfect for choosing a sweater to suit your complexion.

This sweatshirt features a unique style, as the shoulder bits are missing! (Hence the catchy name..) It is a cool design (excuse the pun) ideal for autumnal blusters.

Next up we have this Golddigga sweater, a cute and comfy buy ideal for either office attire or a cosy weekend break away. This is also available in black for those of you who hate the colour pink!

Next on the list is this Golddigga knit, with a slight peplum design this draws the attention to just underneath what is most commonly described as one of a woman’s problem areas. In a comforting design with a slight intricate detail to the neck it has earned its place in our top ten!

At number 9 we have this very smart Voodoo Dolls sweater, with a plush knit and in the perfect colour for the coming wintery months! If you are after a thick cuddly jumper then this is your boy!

Last but by no means least, is this fitted Lee Cooper sweater. In a slightly unusual design, this sweater is definitely one that can be worn for all occasions. Differing to the other sweatshirts which are featured this sweater is not to be sniffed at! It could be teamed up very easily with the correct jewellery to create a very stylish ensemble.

So these were our top ten, we hope you like them! Are there any sweatshirts that you love that we missed off the list? Why not get in touch to let us know!

Watersports Safety

Summer is the season of watersports and whether it is abroad on holiday or at your local watersports center, there are always safety precautions you need to be aware of. When taking part in such activities abroad you may find there is a language barrier, and taking in new instructions becomes more difficult. If you are planning to do such sports whilst holidaying you should research safety precautions prior to your trip, especially if it is your first time. Watersports centers in this country are bound to give you plenty of instructions and warnings, but the more you know the better!

Inspect the equipment
Equipment should be stored away from the sunlight to avoid damaging the material. It should also be washed down with fresh water after every use. You can usually tell if this happens as most equipment will be hung up to dry from the last person who used it. Sun damaged, scuffed and crumbling foam pads on life jackets and parts of the wetsuit, will not perform properly and a knotted, fraying tow-line is likely to break.  On the other hand, brand new kit does not guarantee a safe operator, so you should look for places where equipment is being treated properly after use and in a used but good condition. 

Life jacket
When taking part in watersports whether its water skiing or riding in a boat, you should always be given a life jacket. Make sure your buoyancy aid fits properly so that it stays on in the water. Protective helmets should be provided for towed inflatable rides as the aim of this sports is to throw you off, making your head and neck vulnerable to damage.   

You should scan the near by area to ensure your activity will not interfere or clash with another watersport taking place. Some sports can involve dangerous equipment and although the operator should be aware of this, you should double check for your own piece of mind. There should be a clear buoyancy operating area for you to keep away from other beach or center users. 

Who’s taking part
The watersports operator should take down all of your personal details including name, address and any medical conditions. These should be noted down incase of medical problems. You should also be asked if you are water confident and given a full safety briefing before hand. If these actions are not carried out, you should raise the issue with the operator and prompt them to take the above actions. 

Safety procedures
There should always be more than one operator to ensure the safety of the group. If one operator is busy attending to a problem or talking to another customer, there needs to be at least one person still keeping their eye on the group taking part in the activity. These instructors should also be informing you that at least one of them is trained in first aid. 

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Longridge Outdoor Activity Center

Longridge is set in a unique riverside location near Marlow, Buckinghamshire. You can take part in watersports and land activities throughout the whole year. The center is open 7 days a week and only closes for Christmas. There are 12 acres of water meadows throughout the center along with space for camping and other land activities. 

For Young People
There are several courses for children aged 8-14 that run over a block of days or weekly. This is a great opportunity for children to learn new skills and take up new hobbies. There are different activities such as kayaking, sailing, rowing, climbing and fencing. The courses are run on a regular basis throughout the year so you can choose a time that suits you best. 
There is a youth club that runs on a Wednesday evening for children aged 14-19. This is ideal for regular users who want to develop their skills and experience in some of the activities available. The sessions only cost  £1 per person so it is very affordable. 
You can also book children’s parties at Longridge which consists of an activity such as kayaking, bell boating, climbing and much more along with either a picnic or hot food option. The parties are aimed at children 8 and above and there is a selection of packages to choose from to suit the age range of the party.
There are also Children’s Holiday Activity Days which run every weekday of every school holiday bar Christmas where children can take part in a surprise range of activities and are fully supervised and fed from 8.30am-4 or 5pm.  

Family Activities
Family activity days are run throughout the school holidays and give parents and children the chance to have a go at 3 activities together. This is a great way to spend some time with the children over the summer holidays and keeps the whole family entertained!

Family activity short breaks are run throughout the school holidays. Where your family are able to take part in four activities across two days but also gives you the opportunity to stay in Marlow and explore the local town. This is a good idea for a short holiday, as there is plenty to do with the activities on site and the neighboring town, there is something for everyone to enjoy!

Courses for Adults
There are courses for adults who are after fun and fitness. There are many different courses which include paddle sports, rowing, sailing and more. They also have a selection of fitness classes including circuits and yoga. These are run all the time so best to check with their bookings team. 
You can work towards paddle sports awards which starts off as 1 star and you can then progress to 2 and 3 star. This will give you skills in both kayak and open canoe. 
There are safety and rescue training courses and aquatic first aid courses that you can take part in at Longridge. This is ideal if you are looking to teach in watersports as you will have the necessary knowledge and training to keep people safe under your supervision.  
There are also coaching courses which start at level one and progress to level 2. 

Activities on the River
All of the activities will last 75 minutes and will be led by a fully qualified instructor. There are several activities such as rowing, bell boating, canoeing, dragon boating and rafting. These activities are great for groups of friends or families! 

Longridge can accommodate large numbers of visitors so are perfect for school day or residential trips. There are plenty of facilities both indoor and outdoor along with catering facilities. 

Most activities will require the use of equipment such as a life jacket, helmet or safety harness, all of which is supplied by Longridge. We suggest you come dressed in old clothes that can get wet and dirty and bring some spare clothes to change into as we don't supply customers with a wetsuit  as we feel old comfortable clothing is more suitable. 

All prices can be found on the Longridge website along with more details about each activity and facility. There is something for everyone and packages can be tailored to suit your needs.